Cages or Wings

Cages or Wings

Cages or Wings is the eternal dilemma between craving for belonging and freedom in our romance, friends, family and work relationships.

In the bustle of our digital life, the quality of our sense of belonging (intimacy, engagement) and freedom (independence, authenticity) is no longer determined by physical connection alone, but also digital connection.

We fail to recognize and understand the hidden impact of overusing online contact to build a connection with others and oneself. In other words, continuously avoiding offline contact comes with new and extraordinary challenges for our relations and emotional life.

Are we replacing offline relations with online relations?

Our human power is not only in adapting but also in being critical and taking action. In this article I question the fast-evolving practice of being together in the digital age.

Why do we play with hiding our reality online? Why do we avoid others in real life? Why do we suppress our needs for body contact although we know it will cause us pain?

Why do we refuse to stop texting or scrolling when digital roads can become walls between us? Why does it take an incident before true connection gets through us?

Should we always try to show the best of our selves online when we can just get by in real life and still gain? Why do we crave so much for online connection when we know it tears us apart?

Shall we be concerned when social apps seem easy to use and faster to connect? How can we see the dismay of connecting mostly online and still fight to preserve the magic of connecting face to face?

What does it take to wake up before the high-tech lonely future takes over? How can we make ourselves react to the power of the makers of social apps and keep our humanity alive?

If we don’t wake up and shake up our lives, the speed of online connection will make us less and less compassionate, with all the consequences.

Why do we spend long hours dating online when we know down deep that it isn’t reliable and satisfying most of the times? Why would we choose for an online family group instead of real gatherings, where we listen, touch and talk to each other warmly?

Shall we follow friends who we never see in real? Why do we interact with colleagues online even when we can do it offline? Why does it take to feel depressed before we see all this and start a real change?

Ask yourself why more people feel anxious, unsatisfied and isolated around you? Do you think online connection makes us feel truly connected? Do you think in real life connection is too slow and ineffective?

Cages or wings? Belonging or freedom? Offline or online? Fast or slow? Which do you need? When do you prefer it? Why? Ask yourself, ask your friends, ask your family and ask your colleagues.

Fear or love? Shame or action? Find your answers before the lonely future is taken for granted. Real actions speak louder than texting.

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