For Modern Individuals


Connection Courses

Conscious vitalization of your relations and emotional well-being.

A unique offline and online approach for modern individuals.

You care for self-improvement and emotional well-being. You value the convenience of using social apps for self-actualization, but eventually you feel less confident, in control and satisfied. More frequently, you feel a mental and emotional fatigue and a sense of isolation. You want to know and compare how your offline and online realities influence the connection with yourself.

The health of our relations is inextricably linked to our emotional well-being. Constantly, your connection is questioned by your own and others’ choices to connect in a café or a social app.

Today, for voluntary or involuntary reasons, we allow digital speed to set the pace of our connection, we allow digital information to influence our decisions to engage, and we allow digital choices to define our expectations towards others.

Are we replacing offline relations with online relations? Are we in control? Are we satisfied?

Smart phones, computers and social media apps are meant to improve ourselves making us more connected, independent and efficient. For the better or worse, in search for personal and professional opportunities, connections, knowledge, education, love, news, discussions, debates and so on, we suffer from the emotional struggles that come with being constantly exposing and comparing ourselves to others online. Should we only look into our personal psychological weaknesses? Or should we also look into the interests of those behind smart digital systems?

This course is based on the unique SENSEWIRED® Method – a robust educational framework to create reliable and satisfying relationships and prevent feelings of isolation and loneliness. It’s an opportunity to rethink your entire approach to connecting - offline and online - with others and yourself. SENSEWIRED® is the ultimate guide to being together in the digital age.





Duration: 2,5 hrs.Group: 6 to 8 persons max. Date: please ask Venue: in real life Cost: please ask Also including: The Sensewired Workbook and an individual online session of 50 minutes.


During this course you will be working on:


  • SENSEWIRED® unique story, concepts and method.

Setting the grounds

  • Social interactions in offline and online environments. (guidance and examples)
  • Relationships and emotional health. (guidance and examples)

Rethink Belonging


Duration: 2,5 hrs. Group: 6 to 8 persons max. Date: please ask Venue: in real life Cost: please ask Also including: The Sensewired Workbook and an individual online session of 50 minutes.


During this course you will be working on:


  • SENSEWIRED® unique story, concepts and method.

Setting the grounds

  • Social interactions in offline and online environments. (guidance and examples)
  • Relationships and emotional health. (guidance and examples)

Rethink Freedom


Learning Outcomes

  • As a participant you will learn, review and practice:
  • The SENSEWIRED® methodology, tools and practice to choose true freedom.
  • A clear view of your ways of connecting offline and online.
  • Awareness of your emotional states offline and online.
  • A better understanding of your physical and digital social self.
  • What and how offline and online social forces and environments influence your sense of freedom.
  • Your offline and online social abilities to choose you freedom.
  • How to vitalize and redirect your relation and emotions.


Duration: 2,5 hrs. Group: 6 to 8 persons max. Date: please ask Venue: in real life Cost: please ask Also including: The Sensewired Workbook and an individual online session of 50 minutes.


During this course you will be working on:


SENSEWIRED® unique story, concepts and method.

Setting the grounds

  • Social interactions in offline and online environments. (guidance and examples)
  • Relationships and emotional health. (guidance and examples)

Rethink Harmony


Learning Outcomes

As a participant you will learn, review and practice:

  • The SENSEWIRED® methodology, tools and practice to create harmony.
  • A clear view of your ways of connecting offline and online.
  • Awareness of your emotional states offline and online.
  • A better understanding of your physical and digital social self.
  • What and how offline and online social forces and environments influence your sense of harmony.
  • Your offline and online social abilities to create harmony.
  • How to vitalize and redirect your relation and emotions.


SENSEWIRED's unique approach is rigorously built by adapting dynamics and knowledge of the disciplines of design, behaviour, sociology and philosophy. It combines, reflection, practise, creation and theory.

At SENSEWIRED we foster an approach based on conversations– learning from each other’s experiences. Tools have been designed to start a structured narrative and honest discussion amongst participants, from thepersonal to the profound.

The facilitator will lead you through an adventurous session. Our approach will enable you to explore and interpret, with a critical eye, the effects and influence of offline and online contact on your connection with others, to discover and test alternative solutions that suit particular situations, and to take initiative to vitalize your relations and emotional life.

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